Author: mauteri

  • The Day After WordCamp US

    I was fortunate to be able to attend the very first WordCamp US this past weekend. It was held in Philadelphia, which is a reasonable drive from where I live in North Jersey. It’s also usually hard for me to get away these days since I have a 17-month-old child, but luckily, my wife was fine with…

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  • Use jQuery to center element in viewport

    I wrote this bit of code for a knock-off Google Image UI I’ve recently been working on. Like Google Image search, my UI opens the image details below the thumbnail on click. Within those image details are forward and back arrows to navigate previous and next images. This script adjusts the vertical scroll as I click…

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  • Last weekend at WordCamp NYC

    This past weekend was WordCamp NYC 2014, and I must say, it was a huge improvement from previous WordCamps in New York. It’s no secret that I’ve been a bit critical of New York WordCamps in the past. For the record, I’ve only been to WordCamps in two cities: New York and Boston. Until now, Boston was…

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  • Hello World! Emily Lorraine Auteri is here.

    It’s been quite a while since I tried to maintain a blog. I came close a couple years ago, but ended up hating all my posts and deleting the blog. So it goes… I’m currently on paternity leave from work. My daughter, Emily Lorraine Auteri, was born on July 4th. Like our forefathers declaring independence…
